
We like whiskey.  Tasting it.  Learning about it.  Being surprised by it.  Okay...we love whiskey.

The Seattle Whiskey Collective is a membership organization whose purpose is to educate and connect whiskey enthusiasts. The Collective offers quarterly educational events at The Barrel Thief Wine & Whiskey Bar, plus other special events and member benefits.

If you’re a whiskey fan—whether brand new or with years of experience—we’ve built a community for people like you.



Quarterly educational events.

Our primary whiskey education events are held on the 2nd Monday of the 2nd month of each quarter (Feb, May, Aug, Nov). Events are at 7:00pm at The Barrel Thief Wine & Whiskey Bar in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle.

Each quarterly educational event includes a whiskey tasting, educational presentation or workshop, and buffet dinner.

The Collective’s quarterly events are open to non-members, but members have first dibs on tickets, as well as receiving a ticket discount. If you attend more than one event per year, it’s worth considering a membership.



Keep in touch.

To receive notice of upcoming events, and other occasional special announcements, please subscribe to our mailing list:

Your e-mail address will always be kept private.